Wonder Weeks

If your baby is more fussy than usual, their feeding is all over the place, their sleeping is inconsistent, they cry a lot more and you’ve found yourself saying “teething?” … then your little one is probably going through a wonder week. Find out what it is and how to get through it.


Your Baby’s Sleep Month by Month

How much and how long your baby sleeps is going to depend on your baby and your parenting style.  Some babies sleep lots, some not much. Some sleep in big bursts (long sleeps but not a lot of them) and others have short catnaps throughout the day. And some have high sleep needs while others have low sleep needs. The other factor is you. Are you happy to just take the day as it comes or have you layed down a schedule for your baby? (more…)


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How Much Sleep Should Baby Get?

How much sleep should you baby be getting in a 24 hour period?

While babies will vary in how much day sleep and night sleep they are getting, they usually all average out to about the same amount of sleep in a 24 hour period. So, if you have a great night sleeper, you might find that they only have short or infrequent naps during the day. Or, if you have a great day time napper, you might have issues with night sleeping, or a baby that goes down quite late at night. (more…)

How Much Night Sleep Should Baby Get?

How long babies sleep overnight varies quite significantly from baby to baby, and when they finally sleep through the night will also vary significantly.

In this article is a graph that will show you averages of how long a baby will sleep overnight.  You will see that in the early months the number of hours is very low, this is because baby still needs to be fed quite often. As they grow older they require less overnight feeds and the number of hours of uninterrupted sleep will lengthen. (more…)

Newborn Sleep

I remember when my daughter was only 5 weeks old and I rushed onto an internet forum to see what her day should look like. I felt like her feeding and sleeping was all over the place and I was a failure as a mom because every day looked totally different and I couldn’t for the life of my see any pattern or routine emerging. I had no idea how to get her to follow a routine and felt like life was going to be a big unstructured mess forever. I had been told that things get easier when babies get to 6 weeks of age, I was nearly there, and nothing had changed! (more…)

The Top 9 Reasons Your Baby Won’t Sleep

All babies cry sometimes, and all babies have time where they have trouble going to or staying asleep. You might find that your baby has the odd occasion where they won’t go to sleep as easy, or there might be a period of a week or two where they seem to struggle more than usual. Here are the top 9 reasons your baby won’t sleep.


Top 8 Baby Sleep Aids

The Sleep Sheep plays soothing sounds to help your baby settle and drift off to sleep. It is battery operated, securely attaches to the side of a crib or stroller (great for on the go!) and has 2 timer options.
He’s cute, he’s effective, and he’s recommended by moms all over the world.
