Wonder Weeks

If your baby is more fussy than usual, their feeding is all over the place, their sleeping is inconsistent, they cry a lot more and you’ve found yourself saying “teething?” … then your little one is probably going through a wonder week. Find out what it is and how to get through it.


Example Routine for a 4 Month Old

At 4 months of age your baby is making some huge changes in terms of development and routine. She will be more aware of her environment, will engage with you and her toys a lot more, and is developing a good memory.  And she has probably found her voice! Keep reading for examples of 4 month routines.


Your Baby’s Sleep Month by Month

How much and how long your baby sleeps is going to depend on your baby and your parenting style.  Some babies sleep lots, some not much. Some sleep in big bursts (long sleeps but not a lot of them) and others have short catnaps throughout the day. And some have high sleep needs while others have low sleep needs. The other factor is you. Are you happy to just take the day as it comes or have you layed down a schedule for your baby? (more…)


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