Your Baby’s Sleep Month by Month

How much and how long your baby sleeps is going to depend on your baby and your parenting style.  Some babies sleep lots, some not much. Some sleep in big bursts (long sleeps but not a lot of them) and others have short catnaps throughout the day. And some have high sleep needs while others have low sleep needs. The other factor is you. Are you happy to just take the day as it comes or have you layed down a schedule for your baby? (more…)

The Top 9 Reasons Your Baby Won’t Sleep

All babies cry sometimes, and all babies have time where they have trouble going to or staying asleep. You might find that your baby has the odd occasion where they won’t go to sleep as easy, or there might be a period of a week or two where they seem to struggle more than usual. Here are the top 9 reasons your baby won’t sleep.


Top 8 Baby Sleep Aids

The Sleep Sheep plays soothing sounds to help your baby settle and drift off to sleep. It is battery operated, securely attaches to the side of a crib or stroller (great for on the go!) and has 2 timer options.
He’s cute, he’s effective, and he’s recommended by moms all over the world.


45 Minute Naps

Question: My 4 month old is only sleeping for 45 minutes at a time! Then he’s only up for an hour and half and needs to go back down again. I feel like I’m spending my day putting down and getting up my baby. What can I do to make him sleep longer? (more…)